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Deacon Tom's Website: Homiletically Challenging -- Passionately Catholic.
(With apologies to my friends at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH)

Join Deacon Tom and Dee Fox on the Catholic Vitamins Podcast. (www.catholicvitamins.com) What are Catholic Vitamins? Vitamin A: Adoration, Vitamin B: Beauty in the Church, etc. Each week we have a faith 'vitamin' and a guest interview sure to help add vitality and zest to your faith walk. And along with Dee & Tom, join regular guest contributors: Cheryl Dickow, author of Our Jewish Roots and publisher of Bezalel Books. Also, join guest contributor Peggy Bowes, author of the Rosary Workout book as she gives us a weekly dose of good sense in her Fitness For Faith segment on the Catholic Vitamins Podcast.

Now read Deacon Tom at CatholicMom.com!

Blessings my friend!

My name is Deacon Tom Fox. I'm a Catholic Deacon, living at 5,000 foot elevation in north central Arizona. In addition to typical parish work, I've become active in internet work -- this is work that the two Holy Fathers (Benedict and John Paul II) have called 'important' new media evangelization. In fact, in a recent document, the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called upon priests (and others) to evangelize the new 'Digital Continent'.

This website includes some of the early homily texts preached at Masses and in Communion Communion Service reflections by Deacon Tom. These homily text files aren’t all that organized, but we have put in some topics and dates of delivery. We hope you’ll find some useful inspiration or help from visiting this site.

In recent times, Deacon Tom and his wife have started another website entitled www.CatholicVitamins.com   This site contains audio podcasts from Tom & Dee’s rather unique program which introduces guests and ideas to help grow your faith and add vitality to the practice of it. On the Catholic Vitamins site, you’ll find both audio and text files of homilies, a blog and other material we hope you’ll find interesting.

You can find Deacon Tom each week on the Catholic Moments podcast with author, columnist and speaker Lisa Hendey. Catholic Moments is available through iTunes and most other podcatchers. This podcast is found at www.catholicmoments.com  

Finally -- Tom is found as a columnist on the Catholic Family site (www.catholicfamily.sqpn.com) and at the Catholic Mom site (www.catholicmom.com)

One of the songs that Catholics and Christians of most faith walks sing with gusto is Amazing Grace. It was God’s Amazing Grace that saved me from a life of sin and selfishness. It may be God’s Grace that has brought you to this page and these words. It is my hope that you will find something here that will help you respond anew to the gifts of God’s love and mercy. If you would like to talk about your journey away from or back to the one, true, holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, I’d love to hear from you. You can best email me by going to


SoThank you for visiting my first and oldest website. There is a friend, tech-angel and former parishioner named Sue Laurent of Colorado who donated dozens of hours to help start up and maintain this work. I thank her; I remain in prayer for Sue and her family.

My goal many years ago, as now was/is to share some experiential homilies and talks based upon a re-born and growing faith; a re-vitalized faith that I now pray for for you. And concluding words: I’ve read a lot and visited many other good Catholic and Christian sites. Some of what I say or write about is borrowed. It’s hard to give thanks and recognition to all. God is the only ‘Original.’ To others: thank you.

Deacon Tom

ps: All My Words for the Word! Borrowed from the tomb marker of Eddie Doherty


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